Air Stirrup Ankle Brace

Balik dari fisioterapi di orthopedic HKL... laporan perubatan dlm satu bulan lagi. fuhh.. tension betul.. bila la nak dpt duit nie... Ankle surgery ke tak??? kalau surgery lagi bagus.. Boleh aku kembali aktif balik dlm taekwondo, bola.. dll..
Ankle Brace produk yg aku beli di HKL dgn harga RM120..doktor yg cadangkan aku pakai benda nie.. dr segi keselesaan mantap r.
Air Stirrup Ankle Brace

aku cadangkan sapa yg aktif dll sukan.. prepare la duit, yg mana takda insuran tu..

NI pulak fuction2 ankle brace.

  • The “Standard” for the Functional Management of Ankle Care
  • The AIR Stirrup Ankle Brace provides medial and lateral support to stabilize the ankle joint.
  • Indicated to support the ankle following sprains, strains or after cast removal
  • Rigid brace shells fit the ankle comfortably and provide the needed medial/lateral stabilization
  • The sleek and slim profile of the AIR Stirrup brace permits use with athletic shoes.
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